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The Pandora Project Page 11

  Have I always been this negligible? Did he only need me for that brief touch? Of course I am coming, what else am I going to do? My feet are lead as I trudge heavily behind him. When I am safely buckled in, John carefully maneuvers us back on to the road and I am impressed with the endurance of our little get-away car. She still runs just fine.

  “What now?” I ask, although I am really getting tired of being constantly at his mercy.

  “Well, they think we are going east. I think the only thing we can do is go west.”

  “Back the way we came?” I ask incredulously. “We’ll waste thirteen hours of driving!”

  “Paige, it is the last thing they will expect. Plus, if they found us already we have to at least entertain the idea that maybe your parents didn’t get away either.”

  Love isn’t blind because right now I am having a hard time even tolerating him. “But if they did get away, they will be waiting on us! We have to go.” The only thing keeping me going is the knowledge that we are working our way toward them.

  “If they did get away, and we continue on our current course, we will only lead Dr. Cox straight to them. So we either walk into a trap or we bring an ambush with us. Either way we lose.”

  By this point we are back on the highway heading west. Given he is the one that can carry three grown men and is the driver, there is no way for me to win this argument. “Where are we going?”

  He opens the glove box and pulls out an atlas, “What is the next big highway heading south?”

  “Where are we?” I ask, embarrassed that I don’t even know where I am, when did I turn over my entire life to him?

  “We are about 30 miles west of Joliet, Illinois.”

  It takes me a couple of seconds to find it on the big map in the front of the atlas, “The next big road going south is I-39.”

  “That is what I thought, we passed it about 40 miles ago, right?”


  “What is the next big city on 39?”

  “From the look of the map it is pretty desolate all along 39 until we hit Bloomington. Then we will have to choose either I-55 or I-74. Where do you want to end up?”

  He hesitates, like he knows I am not going to like what he has to say. “Please don’t make me ask again…Where are we going?” I can’t keep the annoyance out of my voice.

  “I agree that we can’t leave your parents waiting forever. They are obviously super protective of you and who knows what they will do when we don’t show up.”

  “Agreed, the sooner we get there the better.”

  “But we also can’t go alone. Even with our unique set of abilities, we are bound to be hopelessly outmatched,” he pauses again and glances at me, but the look on my face gets him going again, “so we need back-up.”

  “I take it you have someone in mind?” I ask, not liking where this is going.

  “I do, and it won’t take us far out of our way, his dad is stationed at Fort Knox. We can pick him up, you can superpower him, and then we will go to your parents.” He rushes over the middle part, hoping I won’t notice.

  “Excuse me, I don’t think I will be ‘super powering’ anyone. If I were going to go around laying hands on people, it would only be people I know and trust, not someone I’ve never even seen!” The nerve of him, treating me like his own personal little hero maker!

  “Someone you know and trust…whom would that be?” he asks, pretending to be pondering who it could possibly be.

  “Lexi for starters, and probably Jake,” I answer immediately even though I know he is setting me up.

  “Right,” I don’t like the condescending tone in his voice, “So you would be willing to put your best friend in a potentially dangerous situation that could very well get her killed and endanger everyone close to her? You would do that just to have the say in who you touch?”

  “No, it’s not like that…” But it is like that, ugh, I hate him right now.

  John reaches for my hand. I don’t move away, I just don’t move at all. “Paige, I am sorry. I know you are mad at me, but it isn’t justified. I didn’t hurt those men, well at least not too badly, I’m sorry if I am not happy about it. I know you didn’t want to hear that about your folks, but do you want me to lie to you or treat you like a child? We have to be smart, because the people we are dealing with are very smart.”

  I’m not ready to forgive him, but I do have to see reason. “You are ready to endanger your friend? Would he even be willing to help us? He doesn’t know me from Adam.”

  “I think it will be easy to find people to help you given what you have to offer in return, but this guy is special, you’ll like him.”

  “Special how?” I ask moving my hand out from under his to fold my arms over my chest. “Special like us?”

  John puts both hands on the steering wheel and shifts slightly in his seat. “If you mean the product of a scientific madman like us, then no. If you mean smart and strong and loyal and kind like us, then yes. His dad and my dad were stationed together a lot throughout the years, we followed each other around since we were two. He is my best friend and I know I can count on him.”

  But that still leaves the question of whether or not I can trust you. There is too much going on for me to harbor any indecision. While my head tells me anyone can be the enemy, my heart screams differently. “But isn’t that the reason you would want to keep him safe?”

  He shrugs and looks a little sad, “He already knows about my dad. If anyone found out he wouldn’t be safe anyway. Plus, his dad is a full bird Colonel.”

  I look at him blankly, not having any idea what that means.

  He rolls his eyes at me, “Really high ranking? You know, wears an eagle on his uniform, full bird Colonel? No?”

  “Well, high ranking equals good, I get that,” I say sarcastically.

  “Yeah, high ranking equals good and he would do anything for Asher. Not that we want him involved. Just Asher.”

  “How far away is Fort Knox?” I ask, knowing I am beaten.

  He smiles, “Probably about six hours, give or take. Look it up on the map.”

  I do and he is right; it is about 350 miles from here. “Fine, we’ll go meet Asher, but I’m not making any promises. Do you plan on driving straight through? Aren’t you exhausted?”

  “Now that you mention it, I am pretty tired,” he stretches his back and shakes his head.

  “Pull over, I’ll drive.” He starts to protest but I cut him off, “I got a nap, remember?” Even though that feels like it was days ago.

  “Fine, but just for a couple of hours.”

  Chapter 17

  The shaky video filling the monitor angers Dr. Cox more than it frustrates him. It is dark, illuminated only by the built-in light of the phone carried by yet another nameless minion. The scene is neat and puzzling, three men knocked unconscious, bound with rope and drug into the woods.

  These men went off grid three hours ago. The length of time it took to get others to the location is further evidence of the incompetency of those he is forced to collaborate with. Clearly hit with such force they have yet to gain consciousness, yet allowed to live. Being a man with very little regard for human life, this is the puzzling part. Is it a message from the Sullivan boy? A weak display of loyalty by not killing his men?

  Another scream rips through the house, impressive that there is still strength behind it after so many hours of torture. Cox had long since grown tired of not receiving answers to his questions, but the magnitude of the spirit of his captives continued to intrigue him. Their powers on open exhibit gives him a taste of what he can create and keeps his attention on the hunt.

  This one girl is the key, his very own Pandora. Being so close makes him savor the moment, with all its questions and puzzles. The biggest question is what will she unlock with him?

  Chapter 18

  Jerking awake, John grabs the arm rests, “Where are we?” he practically screams.

  Giggling at his nervousness I answer, “We ar
e about fifty miles north of Louisville, you didn’t miss anything…You didn’t sleep long, is that a new super power or something?”

  “Not a superpower, more like extreme discomfort from sleeping in a car for the second night in a row.”

  I know what he is talking about, my butt is killing me from being in one position for so long. I try to put my discomfort aside because I know it means a lot longer in the car if we are ever going to get to my parents. Why did they have to choose a place so far away?

  “Do you have any idea why my dad chose Cold Spring, New York?” I ask.

  “He didn’t tell me why, but I have some ideas of my own.”

  When it is clear he isn’t going to elaborate I prompt, “And they are…”

  “Have you heard of West Point?” he answers with a question of his own.

  At least I know this much, “Sure, where the military academy is?”

  “Yep. Anyway, Cold Spring is right outside West Point. Any idea why your father would want you that close to about four thousand of the country’s best and brightest?”

  Understanding dawns and I reply, “You can’t really think my father would want me using my powers on a bunch of unsuspecting college kids.”

  “Like I said, I am not sure, but where else to get a little back-up than a place that has smart, physically fit, disciplined people who are being taught to be selfless, honest and loyal leaders? No greater place to start if you ask me.” He shrugs his shoulders and lets me think about it.

  It makes sense if we want to go around activating people, but I have always thought that the idea was to live in peace and do all that we can to avoid bringing to fruition the visions my grandmother had. Of course, that could only be the plan if we manage to stay away from those who would use me. Maybe if we are pushed to extreme measures…better to be prepared.

  John breaks into my thoughts, “We need to take a small detour before finding Asher.”

  “Where to?”

  “We need to ditch the car. As wonderful as it has been, Dr. Cox definitely knows what we are driving, we should have gotten rid of it right away, but we have been in no man’s land. It’s time.”

  “Where do you want me to go?”

  “Long term parking at the Louisville Airport.”

  “We’re going to steal a car?” I gasp.

  “Not steal, just borrow,” he rationalizes, “we’ll take good care of it and get rid of it somewhere so it can be returned to its rightful owner. If it will make you feel better we can leave some of the money in the car, to pay for its use.”

  I want to protest further, but I don’t have any good arguments. He continues, “We’ll park the car, grab as much as we can out of the back, and find a new car.”

  It will work as well as anything, but once again I’m just along for the ride. I really need to start pulling my weight on this trip. We drive the final miles to the airport in silence. It is the longest we have gone without talking when both of us are awake and it is slightly uncomfortable. I don’t know how I feel about him, but even more discomfiting is the fact that I am not sure how he feels about me either.

  He hasn’t been near as charming and endearing as he was before his big change. Was he just acting in order to get in my good graces and get me to do what he wanted? Of course, I haven’t exactly been Little Miss Personality. In fact, if I am honest with myself, I have been kind of a wench. Maybe he has changed his mind about liking me. That would be understandable as well. He definitely has a lot to offer anyone, could I really blame him if he thought of me as dead weight now?

  Following the signs to the Louisville Airport, I find long term parking without any problems. As I pull into a parking space, John says, “I think our best bet would be to act as if we are a couple going on a trip. It seems pretty dead this time of the morning so hopefully we won’t run into anyone, but if we do, do you think you can pretend to like me?” He says it like a joke but he looks sad.

  “I don’t have to pretend,” I say as I put one hand against his cheek. “I am sorry for being difficult. I am beyond thankful for all that you have done for me.” I shock myself when I lean over and kiss him lightly on the lips.

  At first he doesn’t respond and I move to pull away but he puts a hand over mine and pulls me closer with his other hand. We kiss gently at first and I try not to think about what is happening, to just go with it. As the kiss deepens, my heart rate accelerates. As my heart rate accelerates I feel my cheeks and my hands warm. I pull away quickly and rip my gloves off. Sure enough, my hands are beginning to glow.

  Taking a few deep breaths it is nearly impossible to calm down because my earlier excitement has turned into embarrassment. Aren’t guys supposed to be the ones with the tell tale signs that they are turned on? Could I be any worse at this? Maybe he is just really good…

  “Well, I think we know how to turn you on…” I look to him, shocked that he would state such an obvious fact. My expression must have made him realize what he said, “I didn’t mean like that,” he stammers, “I meant, how to charge you, you know…how to make your hands do their thing, you know…”

  All I can do is laugh that he is finally the one put on the spot, and partially because he didn’t mean it the way I thought he did. “Yeah, now we know,” I mumble. He shoots me a winning smile and gets out of the car. I meet him around back and we start to gather as much as we can carry.

  We shove as many loose items as will fit into the duffle bags. I don’t see the gun and have to assume John still has it. He starts to pick up both duffle bags and one smaller bag when I stop him. “I thought the idea was to look normal,” I look pointedly at the ease he is carrying such a heavy burden and reach to take one of the duffles.

  He pushes the small bag to me, “No one is around.”

  “Fine,” we walk toward the airport, as if that is our goal. “So what kind of car are we in the market for?” I ask.

  “Something older so it doesn’t have so many security features. We want something that doesn’t look like it has been here for very long, maybe that way we will have longer before anyone notices it is missing.”

  “Boy, don’t you think of everything?” I ask, trying to hide my sarcasm.

  “I have been thinking especially clearly the last few days,” he responds flashing me another smile. It’s great to be back on friendlier terms, it makes running for your life so much more enjoyable!

  I let John decide which car to hijack. Why start being useful now? He pauses briefly by a really nice Mercedes but must decide it is too nice because he moves again after a quick inspection.

  Looking around, alert for anyone watching us; I nearly bump into John when he stops behind an older model Honda Odyssey. “Perfect,” he mumbles and peeks in the back window before heading to the passenger side.

  “A minivan? Really?” I grumble, before joining him. “Why this car?”

  “My mom used to drive a van just like this,” he says almost to himself as he cracks his knuckles.

  “How are you going to get in?”

  He wiggles his eyebrows at me before grabbing the black plastic portion that surrounds the window. “My mom told me once that she locked the keys in the car when I was a baby and was frantic to get in. Not even the police could get in because their instruments weren’t strong enough…I’m hoping I’m stronger.”

  I watch as he easily pulls open a space and slides his hand in far enough to disengage the lock. He quickly opens the door and reaches for the glove box, “My mom also always kept her valet key in the glove box and hopefully…Yes!” He emerges with a victorious smile on his face, holding a grey key.

  “Get in, I’ll put the luggage in the back.”

  Dropping the duffle, I scan the parking lot one last time before climbing in. All the doors unlock with a hearty snap when I release the lock so John can open the back hatch. Turning to watch him load the van, a blue booster seat with interlocking circles and squares and a pink car seat with oversize cartoon flowers glare at me in condemnatio
n. “Great,” I mumble as John climbs in, “we’re stealing from a family with small kids, that doesn’t make me feel more guilty,” I say sarcastically.

  John swivels and looks around, “We’ll leave enough money to assuage any guilt, right?”

  Knowing we have no other choice I agree, “Sure.”

  “Act natural,” he commands as we pull out of the parking lot.

  John pays the fee while I try not to look like a criminal. The attendant smiles warmly at me and it just makes me feel worse but the relief I feel at driving away from the airport quickly dispels it.

  “Now for a shower,” John proclaims.

  The prospect of a shower has every filthy nerve ending tingling in anticipation. “Where are we going to do that? I thought it was too dangerous.”

  “Why stop at grand theft auto?” he replies enigmatically.

  “What does that mean?”

  “You’ll see,” he says and again wiggles his eyebrows. He has become a criminal mastermind overnight, I have unleashed a monster.

  John has me navigate us to a city outside Fort Knox named Elizabethtown. He drives around a couple of neighborhoods, searching for something.

  There seems to be no pattern to his driving. The neighborhoods range from beautiful multilevel homes on several acres all the way to trailers thrown carelessly on tiny lots. “Do you know someone else around here?” I ask, confused at why are driving around aimlessly.

  “No, just looking for the perfect house,” he responds, not really giving me any more information.

  He slows while driving through a huge subdivision filled with cookie cutter starter homes, John finally stops in front of a relatively small rancher with a minivan in the driveway. “What? Are we just going to walk up, ring the bell and ask to shower in their bathroom?” I ask.